
The Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali works to provide the access to its historical and artistic heritage for the widest possible public.
Our museums offer a large range of facilities and special programs for adults and children with disabilities.

Entrance to the Museum for the disabled and a family member or other caregiver is free of charge.

Accessibility for visitors with mobility disabilities

Icona disabili motori


Mappa ingresso Museo

​[click the map to enlarge]

How to reach Centrale Montemartini

Access by private car or taxi:
The entrance to the museum is located in via Ostiense 106. Visitors with reduced mobility may enter by car or by taxi into the internal courtyard at the Centrale Montemartini. To request to open the gate, it is necessary to use the intercom located to the left of the gate, or call 0667105431.

Wheelchair access:
Wheelchair access is also possible on via Ostiense 106. To request to open the gate, please use the intercom on the left of the gate or call 0667105431.

Visiting the Centrale Montemartini


Mappa accessibilità Museo, Piano terra Mappa accessiblità Museo, Primo piano

[click the map to enlarge]

The exhibition rooms of the museum are all accessible.

Once you have visited the Sala Colonne and the Sala del treno di Pio IX on the ground floor, it is possible to go up to the Sala Macchine, using lift no.1 (maximum capacity 900 kg).
To reach the Sala Caldaie it is necessary to use lift no.2 (maximum capacity 840 kg), returning to the ground floor.
The museum provides a wheelchair for people with reduced mobility and/or who are older.

Routes for blind and visually impaired visitors

Icona disabili visivi

In accordance with the state of the epidemiological situation, the museum offers regular touch visits for those visitors with impaired vision or blindness. Visits are guided by specialised staff.
See the section Accessible Projects for information.

During the visits by specialised staff, the museum offers a book for touch-exploration reproducing the mosaic of the Ratto di Proserpina. The book was produced by the Museo statale Tattile Omero di Ancona, in partnership with Zètema Progetto Cultura.

In the Sala Colonne of the Centrale Montemartini there is a touch support made in acrylic material reproducing a part of the mosaic of the Real Casa, with Braille legends in Italian and English.
Listen to the story in italian

Il Mosaico della Real Casa   Pannello tattile

Italian description of the Real Casa 

Accessibility for deaf visitors

LIS (italian signs language)

At the entrance/ticket desk of the Centrale Montemartini there is a sign language video explaining the history of the place, from its first function as a power station to its transformation into a museum.

Guided tours in LIS (Italian Signs Language) can be booked by email at

Educational visit
Musei Capitolini Centrale Montemartini
02 January - 31 December 2025
Visita guidata tattile-sensoriale con operatori specializzati, disponibile su richiesta.
Educational visit
Musei Capitolini Centrale Montemartini
02 January - 31 December 2025
Visita guidata tattile-sensoriale con operatori specializzati, disponibile su richiesta.
There are no planned events.

In archive

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